A family friendly local church in the heart of the City of Corona. The moment you pull into our church grounds, you will be greeted by some very excited people! It’s our mission and intention to make everyone feel at home at Covenant Life and we hope that your very first impression is a warm one. You can expect the service to last about 1 hour and 30 minutes, fantastic kids and youth programs, and helpful hosts available to answer any questions you may have.
Our values make up the DNA of our church, what we believe, and how we act as Christians in pursuit of furthering the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We take pride in the history of our campus. From serving as the first movie theater in the City of Corona to now an involved community church, we believe God has great plans for the Landmark Building!
We believe that God has uniquely called Covenant Life Christian Fellowship to present the Gospel in an uncomplicated and common sense way. Under the vision and leadership of Pastor Jesse Reyes, we want Covenant Life to truly be a church passionately committed to Christ, His Cause, and His Community.